Friday, November 28, 2008

Resistance 2 review.

I just bought the Resistance 2 on the November 26th 2008 and spent 2 days playing it before writing this review. There are 4 factors that will be taken into consideration, gameplay, graphics, sound, and online playing.This game involved the main character Nathan Hale fighting the Chimera in US after victory in England(I never played the first Resistance)


The gameplay for Resistance 2 is pretty straight forward. You will be given mission to fulfill and objectives to be accomplished, updated as you move on. The game is heavily scripted and linear, so there are no multiple endings, or any in game decision that will alter the storyline. The gameplay is rather dull as it involves shooting enemies, kill bosses and avoid from being killed. There are no health meter, and health is regenerated if you don't sustain excessive bullet hit, or else you will die. Enemies is Resistance 2 is very smart, even with casual difficulty(the easiest one), the enemies still shoot precisely and believe me you will die a lot. That's where the autoload kicks in. There are several checkpoint where your progress will be auto saved, but there is an option where you can manually save your game.
Weapons in Resistance 2 is awesome. There are wide arrays of weapons that can be chosen both the Chimera and the human.


Visuals of Resistance 2 is quite pretty with the improvement on the lighting. But the environment is rather static with the foliage made with low resolution texture. The scale and overall visual of the game is phenomenon. You can see the Chimera battleship cruising on top of you. The battleship is not a picture glued on the sky, but it is rendered in real time, and if you zoom in with your weapon, you can actually see the detail. There is one mission where your convoy is ambushed in a forest setting. The dense of the trees are rendered very well as if you are really in a thick forest. Apart from that, the water simulation is excellent. When you move in the water, you can actually see the wake generated from your movement. Not only you but other NPC as well. The detail and texture of the enemy is very high and the skin and weapon surface involved high resolution texture.


Sound of the weapon and screaming of the Chimera when they charging towards you is decent. Every weapon fired on the screen can be heard together with explosion that boom all over the place. Overall, there's nothing to comment on the sound as it is flawless.

Online Playing
There were several moments where i cannot connect to the server but lately it is getting better. There are 2 multiplayer mode; cooperative and competitive. Cooperative involves you and other players to team up fighting the Chimera(NPC). The gameplay is limited to 8 people. For the competitive involve humongous 60 people split into 30 vs 30. The online play is excellent as i encounter no lag at all. Both mode is very fun and the battle is fierce. 60 people multiplayer is the largest I've ever seen in console. Unfortunately, the graphic is toned down to compensate the extra player. The immersive multiplayer gameplay wouldnt let you to take your eyes of the enemy so I think it is not a drawback

Final Rating: 8.6/10

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